Automatic Nomenclature in Latex

Dear Reader,

You will doubtless have struggled as I have with ensuring that your nomenclature section is up-to-date and comprehensive.  Normally this involves printing out the document and ticking off the symbols in the nomenclature as you go through the document symbol by symbol.  The sort of dreary drudgery that computers should take care of.  A short web search reveals that they do.

The nomecl package provides a good solution.  Essentially you add nomenclature information into the document where you first use the symbol and it then compiles it into a nomenclature section.  There are a couple of things to watch out for though.

Your latex document needs to have \usepackage{nomencl} in the preamble and a \makenomenclature where the \maketitle command usually goes (well this worked for me anyway) you need to put \printnomenclature where you would like the nomenclature section to appear.

After you first use the symbol you want in the nomenclature commands such as: \nomenclature{$C_{P0}$}{Loss coefficient}% are required. Note the trailing % sign.

In order to actually get a nomenclature you need to run makeindex (thanks for this tip from Ulrike Fischer):

# pdflatex draftreport
# makeindex draftreport.nlo -s -o draftreport.nls

Did the job for me. Further details are of course in the fine manual which you should probably read…..

6 thoughts on “Automatic Nomenclature in Latex

  1. Gabriela

    Hi! I found similar information about nomcl pakage, but I don’t understand where I need call make index I use texshop as compiler

  2. Fer

    Hi, I’m using nomenclature after \listoftables and \listoffigures, and before the beginning of the first chapter.
    My problem is that every of the firsts commands create a second blank page with only the header and page number, however nomenclature don’t, and there is a second blank page after nomenclature with the header of listoffigures. It seems like latex don’t know listoffigures end before nomenclature or something like that. By the way, listoffigures, of tables, etc. are not in the index (makeindex), and nomenclature does.

    Please help!!

    1. grantingram Post author


      I’m not sure I quite understand the problem but my general solution when I can’t get latex working is to run everything several times. With complex documents sometimes more than two or three passes through the system are needed.

      Hope that helps!

  3. Fer

    Hi, I’m using nomenclature after \listoftables and \listoffigures, and before the beginning of the first chapter.
    My problem is that every of the firsts commands create a second blank page with only the header and page number, however nomenclature don’t, and there is a second blank page after nomenclature with the header of listoffigures. It seems like latex don’t know listoffigures end before nomenclature or something like that. By the way, listoffigures, of tables, etc. are not in the index (makeindex), and nomenclature does.

    Please help!!


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